Getting the party (business) started...

So I wanted to start my own business. My first thoughts were where to start and how can I apply my coaching principals to help me? Over the last few months, I have been tackling names, accounts, website and finding time to work on the business to name a few... 


You can't really do much without a name! You need it for a website for a start. My husband is a Marketing Director so I asked for his help in a brainstorming session on what I could call myself. He has a habit of asking some challenging questions which I knew would come in handy. I suggest if you are thinking up names, don't go it alone and involve other people. We had a 4 hour train journey to Scotland and had time to kill - perfect! In the brainstorming session, we started by listing all the words that my business would be akin to - 'transformation', 'career coaching', 'confidence', 'contentment' - the list went on.. Each one also had already been taken (Companies House and google can help). I also thought I was being unique when thinking up vegetables e.g. 'Carrot coaching' Not so unique - many of these were also taken! Then there was something that was unique, my maiden name 'Calvert' and the possibility of 'Calvert Coaching'. It initially felt odd and somehow a bit self indulgent so I parked it, kept seeking alternatives, then kept coming back to it. The two 'Cs' could also work well in terms of design, it was memorable and at the time I was looking domain was available (and cheap). 'Calvert' also means 'to herd', so some sort of meaning too..maybe it could work...I slept on it...